Proud Places: Your City Should Go And Love Itself by Jeff Siegler

“If you found yourself in a relationship with someone with low self-esteem and you weren’t willing to leave, how would you go about making them feel better about themselves? Love them, unconditionally. This doesn’t mean accept them as they are, but fight to help them change for the better.”

Thanks for the honesty, Jeff.

You can read this very important article here.

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Proud Places: Attracting Business - What Scores & What Fumbles

Proud Places brings you an article about how to help your Main Street using football lingo. GO BILLS!

“The future is now, and the devastation to our Main Streets is obvious. Conservative experts believe the Covid 19 pandemic will result in a loss of at least 20 to 30 percent of small businesses, while others suggest it will be as bad as 60 percent. 

Our main streets that were barely hanging on in good times are now losing businesses at an unprecedented rate. While we all grieve the loss of our favorite dining establishment or boutique, we need to start planning for the rebuilding of America’s great main streets once again. 

So let’s apply some tried and true football metaphors to our favorite strategies to attract businesses to commercial storefronts. We’ll also consider a few problematic ones so we can win our game! “

You can read about it here.

Proud Places Launches Today at 5:30pm - Join Us!

Quarantine has kept us busy on daily needs but we have been focusing on a couple of really important extras. One of them launches today, it’s called Proud Places.


"Our places shapes our lives, and every single person deserves to live in a place that fosters community, promotes dignity and makes them feel proud. Join us today at 5:30pm edt as we announce a new endeavor aimed at reshaping our places to be worthy of the people that inhabit them."

Buffalove Development is excited (dare we say, proud?) to be a contributing partner to this organization along with people from around the world who are moving and shaking in their communities.

You can check out Proud Places here.

Join us for the launch today at 5:30pm!