When we got wind of a brick double for sale in Niagara Falls (right next to my childhood home!), I had to give it a try. The #dreamycedardouble had great bones, intact original hardwood and was affordable. It just had a leaking roof and was vacant for over a decade… no big deal! We purchased it in cash and over the two years, worked to restore its interior and exterior beauty. We took the incremental approach - one step at a time.
What needs to be said is this: it only worked because we paid 10K cash and the interior was in decent condition. The market value in this area of Niagara Falls does not reflect the true renovation expenses and therefore if one was to do this project, I would make sure you can roll up your sleeves, have a solid team in place and a plan to access capital when / if needed. With that said, it is worth it and we would do it all over again.
Many thanks to the City of Niagara Falls for being so helpful through the process, our fantastic residents, the Bank of Akron for financing the final renovation needs, the amazing neighbors, the big ticket contractors who worked with us and last but not least, the #buffalove squad.