Getting the garden ready...
/With the weather breaking, we are focusing our energy on getting our giant hell strip planters cleaned and filled with annuals and the community garden cleaned up and ready for planting!
We added fresh soil and compost, planted some strawberries and scallions, got some annuals (Cosmos, dusty miller, petunia) in the front beds so it will shine as the summer comes. We planted a ton of wild flowers for the front two beds and sunflower seeds. We already have lettuce, collards, kale and fresh scallions in the garden right now!
Now we have to fix the front fence piece, get the veggies in and set up the rain barrel!
P.S. Can we just take a moment to appreciate this all black wheel barrow? We picked it up at Dibble, our local hardware shop. They get me.
P.P.S. You’re probably wondering why this matters to a “developer”. We have news for you - we like to develop smiles AND homes. Flowers make people smile so we’re ok with it. Gardens bring people joy, including us!